Monday, January 18, 2010

So here is a big catch up from whenever the last time I blogged was! Since then I have started a new semester. It's not too overwhelming yet but with two kids I can see it getting there fast. Israel started taking break dancing classes and it is one of the highlights of my week. He is so cute dancing with the other little kids. Shiloh has become a big smiley baby. When I say big I mean it. She is just over 12 pounds and has some fantastically chubby cheeks. She is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen and Israel still can't get enough of her. He likes to just kiss her as much as possible.
I have started cooking alot as an stress outlet. I find that if you think of cooking as a hobby instead of a chore it makes it alot more fun. Not all of the meals have been received as well as I had hoped. I made a baked salman with capers last week that was suprisingly left uneaten by everyone but me. Tonight I have coconut chicken with rice on the menu that I hope will be a hit. My husband says he is a foodie but he is very difficult sometimes. Next up is steak with baked yams and cinnamon butter but the real jem is gong to be on saturday. I am making Canard a l'Orange, better known as roast duck with orange sauce.
With all the delicious cooking comes some weight as well. I have but on 5 pounds in the last month.....I don't seem to have the desire to excersize either so I am at a little bit of a loss. That brings the grand total to about 10 pounds that I need to lose to be back to my pre-baby weight. I have so far cut out sodas and desserts for the most part and I am hoping that will do the trick but we will see. The goal is by the time my 24th birthday rolls around I will be back down to normal size. We will see....there is just too much good food to be eaten! Any fun recipe ideas are appreciated! Until next time which is hopefully sooner than later...

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