Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bears and Monsters

Tonight we went to Thanksgiving Point which is a really fun place with shopping and a barn and dinosaur museum and what not. For Christmas they have Santa there to take pictures with and real Norwegian reindeer to look at and touch. They also have a area that you can drive through with your car and see Christmas lights. We went and saw the reindeer first and Israel was thrilled. I told him about how reindeer pull Santa's sleigh and he was really excited. Then we drove through to see the lights where they had several polar bear statues and more. He was really excited to see the polar bears and kept yelling "bears!" for about 15 minutes. When we got home I told Israel we had to go to bed so that we could be one day closer to when Santa came. I asked him if he remembered what pulled Santa's sleigh and he said "Yeah, bears" then he paused and said, "and monsters!" I couldn't stop laughing.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Happy Holidays! I am so excited it's this time of year again. It always makes me evaluate my life and how much service I have done or could be doing for others. Even just something as simple as saying hello to someone who is alone or dropping off cookies to a friend. It always makes both parties feel a little better. Let's just hope we can stick with it all year this time and not just for the holiday season.

Israel and Ezra

This is Israel with his adorable cousin Ezra who is 4 months old!


We told Israel about Santa a few weeks ago and he has been talking about him ever since. So he finally got to meet him this wednesday and was a little scared. When Santa asked him what he wanted for christmas he said he wanted a "bikey" (i.e. motorcycle) I was suprised when this morning he remembered and told me that he wanted a "bikey" from from Santa.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

My first 5K

I had so much fun doing my first 5K on saturday! It was was called the Nutcracker 5K and you work a tutu while you were running.

Dancing King

Israel loves to dance all the time. Any time there is music on he is sure to be dancing and singing. He loved it when his Aunt Harmony came from montana to his birthday party. They played and danced the whole time. My favorite part was when he had her help him with a summersault.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Israel is 2

Israel's birthday party was a hit! Thanks so much for all those who remembered it and were able to be there. It was a Chopper party complete with a tatoo parlor where the kids were able to get fake tatoos of motorcycles and what not. Israel loved having the little girls on hit party sit behind him on the mini 4 wheeler so he could give them a ride. He got a ton of awesome presents and we all had a blast.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Talker

I haven't updated this blog in forever so sorry for the million posts at once but I gotta do it sometime! BIG CRASH!

Trick or Treat Street

Happy Halloween! We have already had alot of fun this year for Halloween. Israel's great grandparents gave him a horse halloween costume that is adorable. He loves to make the horse sound while he is in it which is hilarious (and usually gets him more candy!)

The Zoo with Ellen the Great

We went to the zoo with Great Grandma and had a wonderful time!
Israel has every animal sound memorized so we spent alot of time there.


Just wanted to give some updates on Israel. We are coming up on his second birthday and with that comes some milestones. We have since given up the binky (thank goodness) and are now moving into potty training which is both exciting and scary for Israel. He is talking so much and his main interests right now are animals and anything with an engine. The birthday party coming up is a Motorcycle party. You can expect some pictures of that after the fact of course.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ani Difranco

I went to an Ani concert last week with Heather and it was by far the best show I have ever been to. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Addition

I finally convinced Jacob to get a motorcycle. I was the one who always wanted one but with him going to work and school and then back again, with gas prices it was unrealistic so we got this new bike and now they are inseparable. LOL! It is so much fun to go for rides on. We are having alot of fun with it. Hopefully he doesn't want a bigger one anytime soon!


Jacob, Hannah and Israel recently returned from a visit to the dallas, texas area where we visited Jacob's brother Joey's family to see their new addition, little Braden. We were there for 6 days and we brought with is Jacob's other brother Sam, who some of you know was recently in a car accident that left him handicapped. That was a challenge but we made it through. It was a lot of fun to see the family and relax in that wonderful Texas weather. Israel loved little Braden, he wanted to bottle feed him and hold him all the time. When we got back to Utah he found one of my old cabbage patch dolls and has carried it around ever since. Jacob is trying to convince me that we need another baby for this reason. LOL

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Israel and I went to Montana this last weekend without Jacob to visit my sister. It was the longest we have been away from Jacob EVER!! I must say I missed him but not nearly as much as Israel did apparently. I felt like a third wheel, you couldn't tear the two of those boys from each other they played for hours like they needed to make up for the lost four days. It was cute!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hey there!

So Michelle has encouraged me to start a blog. I am excited! It will be a good way for everyone to keep up on what we are up to.
Jacob is still in school majoring in Sociology. He should be finishing up in the next two years. I am staying home with Israel who is growing like a weed. He has the biggest personality and always makes us laugh. His response to every question is "no" which most of the time means yes but he knows it will make us laugh. I am planning on going back to school soon, hoping to become a vet tech.
Living with my parents couldn't have come at a better time for us. It scares me to think where we would be without them, they have helped us so much this past year. I don't know what Israel will do when we move out because his grandparents are always there to give him hugs and kisses. I can't tell who likes the attention more. He has come to be best friends with his Grandpa Bob whom he calls papa, partly because of the M&M's he sneaks to him.
We are excited for the upcoming vacations we have planned. We are going to visit Harmony in Montana next week and next month we are going to Texas to meet our new nephew. Then in July we have the family reunion and also we are going to Yellowstone. It will definately be a busy year for us but a fun one.