Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Talker

I haven't updated this blog in forever so sorry for the million posts at once but I gotta do it sometime! BIG CRASH!

Trick or Treat Street

Happy Halloween! We have already had alot of fun this year for Halloween. Israel's great grandparents gave him a horse halloween costume that is adorable. He loves to make the horse sound while he is in it which is hilarious (and usually gets him more candy!)

The Zoo with Ellen the Great

We went to the zoo with Great Grandma and had a wonderful time!
Israel has every animal sound memorized so we spent alot of time there.


Just wanted to give some updates on Israel. We are coming up on his second birthday and with that comes some milestones. We have since given up the binky (thank goodness) and are now moving into potty training which is both exciting and scary for Israel. He is talking so much and his main interests right now are animals and anything with an engine. The birthday party coming up is a Motorcycle party. You can expect some pictures of that after the fact of course.